“If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep walking.”
A friend once told me that he never goes to bed angry. He simply hands any issues that he has with anyone or anything over to his Higher Power. The unfortunate part, however, is that he doesn’t do an internal check to see where he himself might have gone wrong thereby avoiding a repeat of the situation or correcting what he brought to the problem. In other words, he can, and very often does, find himself handing over the very same things time and time again.
Oh, the insanity of it all!
When we do look at our part in every situation, we become able to change our part and not have to find ourselves repeating our old, unhealthy habits over and over again. It is then that we can find the peace that we need to sleep well with a clear conscious each night. This is how we are able to start every new day with hope, joy, and gratitude.
When we retire at night, we constructively review our day
Take personal inventory on a daily basis and ask forgiveness of your Higher Power. Ask what you can do to correct any mistakes you may have made. Remember to find blessings in life and express your gratitude.
It is my personal opinion that the best way to keep a 10th Step Nightly Inventory is through the use of a Step 10 Journal. It keeps all your step 10 notes neatly organized. My favorite 10th Step Journal just happen to be right here on this site and which you can find below! But if your just looking for a form to copy or something to print out, I have a few different selections that you can download and print FOR FREE!
"Although all inventories are alike in principle, the time factor does distinguish one from another. There's the spot-check inventory, taken at any time of the day, whenever we find ourselves getting tangled up. There's the one we take at day's end, when we review the happenings of the hours just past. Here we cast up a balance sheet, crediting ourselves with things well done, and chalking up debits where due." - Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, page 89, paragraph 2.
While it might look like the nightly inventory talked about in the Big Book is a Step 11 element since it is mentioned after the book uses the term "Step 11", we see in the 12 & 12 that the nightly inventory is actually a step 10 exercise. The taking of inventory is specific to steps 4 and 10. It's in the name of the step, "Continued to take personal inventory..."
This is why you will find Step 10 AA Nightly Inventory Worksheets all over the internet and not Step 11 Nightly Inventory Worksheets. If you know the Big Book inside and out but haven't studied the 12 & 12, you are missing a lot of information! One cannot completely understand the Big Book without the 12 & 12 which dives into each of the 12 steps, unlike the Big Book. Yet another reason to attend meetings and get a sponsor!