90 IN 90


It was my intention to put the entire 90 in 90 article on one page but by the time I was done writing, it seemed quite long for a single webpage. I mean... While we addicts are extreme, a long-term attention span might be one of our strongest qualities! With that said, I decided to break it up into three pages. This first part is who should do the 90 in 90 challenge. The next is some benefits not usually found on the internet. Last is how to get the most out of 90 in 90.

It is my sincerest hope that someone will get value out of this and, I don’t know, maybe even gain some strength or insight into their recovery journey!

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”

Albert Einstein

Who Should Attend 90 Meetings In 90 Days?

I think it is a huge misconception that only those who are new to addiction recovery need 90 meetings in 90 days. While I do whole heartedly believe that those just starting their addiction recovery journey and newcomers should absolutely do 90 in 90, many who have been in the rooms for a while might greatly benefit from the challenge as well. So, who else might want to consider doing the 90 in 90 challenge? Let’s take a look at this.

If you are truly sober (that is completely sober minded) and are quite happy in your sobriety with absolutely no addiction struggles at any time whatsoever for more than a year, then it might be safe to say that you don’t need 90 meetings in 90 days. But if you do have struggles, at least weekly, you are not immune to slips or even complete relapse. Which brings me to my first point.

Recent Slip or Relapse

While it might seem obvious that anyone who recently had a relapse or a slip should seriously think about going to 90 meetings in 90 days, the reality is that for many of us who did, don’t think we need that. “Na, it was just a one-time thing” or “but I’m back on track now” is the dangerous thinking many of us partake in. But… If that was the case…

A one-time thing generally turns into another, then another, and so on. This kind of thinking makes it easier to slip again and again while the time in between those slips gets shorter and shorter. Meanwhile, the addict way of thinking gradually returns, messing up the life you have worked so hard to get under control.

And if you just came out of a relapse, then you know that you just struggled with that addict way of thinking. You know that the idea that you might be on track again with little action on your part is indeed the thinking of an addict. You can seriously benefit from 90 meetings in 90 days!

This brings me to the next point.

A Return to Addictive Thinking

What is addictive thinking versus a healthy mentality? Many might want to return to steps six and seven here.

If you are returning to a victim mentality, justifying hurtful or negative behavior or words, think that you are entitled to (insert your entitlement here), feel the need to justify your (insert words or behavior here), feeling the need to defend yourself, downplaying the negative effects of drinking or using, an inability (or refusal) to see the facts as facts, all-or-nothing thinking, and over-generalizing are just a few addict ways of thinking. Not to mention self-seeking, self-pity, emotional projecting, and controlling thoughts or behaviors. This list is not exhaustive by any stretch but should help you understand the difference between addictive and healthy ways of thinking. These addictive types of thought patterns will do you and your important relationships no good!

Attending 90 meetings in 90 days will put your life, and thinking patterns, back into proper perspective. This could be the difference between the return to a chaotic life and having and maintaining true peace and joy.

An AA’s Little Handbook Of HOPE PRAYERS INSPIRATION & LAUGHS: Includes AA Acronyms, AA Prayers, Jokes & Little Quotes From Big Names for Recovering Alcoholics and Other Addicts


Includes 91 Guided Meeting journal pages, weekly planner, meeting planner, phone list, meeting & sobriety Logs, self-talk & mood trackers, challenge planner, and more!

Fresh Out of Rehab

While you might have just left an addiction treatment center (or are about to) and are feeling quite motivated and committed to your recovery from addiction, that momentum will likely diminish rather quickly. Actually, for many of us, it snuck up on us and before we knew it, we were using again. I think it is imperative to the momentum that you have going at discharge from rehab to commit to 90 meetings (or more) in 90 days. This can be the difference between ending up in rehab again or the long-term success of your sobriety. It’s your choice, of course, but if you are excited that you might have this licked, being newly out of rehab, 90 meetings in 90 days can help to ensure your continued sobriety.

Others Who Could Benefit From 90 in 90

Others who might want to consider 90 in 90 are those who feel like they’re slipping (Sobriety Losing Its Priority) or might relapse, are becoming compulsive, losing rationality, becoming less responsible, or letting their self-care go.

Also, are you engaging in self-defeating behaviors or seeking out situations with those who drink or use? Does drinking or using seem like a logical escape?

If you are struggling with any of the aforementioned issues, in order to help maintain your continued abstinence and enjoy true sobriety (and a peaceful life), you must take action. Committing to 90 meetings in 90 days might just be the action needed to get you back on track… Painlessly!

More On 90 Meetings in 90 Days
Who Should Attend 90 Meetings In 90 Days?

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The information found on our site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers. If you have a health issue, including addiction, it is recommended you contact a qualified healthcare provider.

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