Free Step 6 Worksheet


“The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.”

Charles Dubois

Step 6: Were entirely ready to have God (as we understood God) remove all these defects of character

Now that we have owned our garbage in Step 4 and made our confessions in Step 5, we move to the next phase of our addiction recovery.

By Step Six, we should have reached a spiritual state where we are aware of, and fully accept, our character defects. Step Six of AA’s Twelve Step recovery program is about removing what doesn’t work in our lives anymore. Truly working the Sixth Step can bring about significant change in our destructive thought patterns and behaviors that have long been with us.

If we are thorough and honest with ourselves, we have to admit that we sometimes actually revel in some of our character defects. Some of them feel good to us and we kind of enjoy them. Personally, I think we believe it’s because those defects get our needs met but in reality, it’s because we get more than our fair share which gives an addict some relief. We are excessive!

However, we saw in Step Four how we have harmed others as well as ourselves with our character defects. We were able to see patterns in our behavior and learned that if we wanted a successful and peaceful life, these defects must be removed.

For many of us, the sheer weight of some of our character defects can slow us down in our recovery or even stop it altogether not to mention put us at greater risk for relapse. We must make a firm decision to let go of the character defects that have been ruining our lives.

We’ve had these defects a very long time so the mere thought of change is naturally anxiety-provoking. As scary as the thought might be, however, we have to be willing to change. We have to let go of our reactions, turn the auto-pilot switch off, and learn to thoughtfully respond. This will be lifelong work.

With a clear head, think about some of the things you said or did that you’re not so proud of. Think about the times that you reacted rather than responded.
* In retrospect, what might have been a better way to handle an uncomfortable feeling or situation?
* If you had it to do again, what would you have said or done differently?

To be successful here, we need to allow help from outside of us because we already know that our own judgement can be so far off the mark. We have to trust in our Higher Power as we understand It. It is this Higher Power that has the ability and desire to help us remove our character flaws and replace them with assets.

INTO ACTION: The Art Of Swapping Character Defects For Character Assets: AA Step 7 Workbook For Removing Character Defects with Step 6 Exercises: Removing Character Assets


with tracker for up to 12 character flaws and an extensive list of 276 defects and assets

Free AA step 6 worksheet download pdf

Free download of Step 6 Worksheet 1

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2nd Step 6 Worksheet in free download

free download AA 77 character defects and their opposite assets

Free download of 77 Character defects & assets

Step 7: Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings

In my Step 6 & 7 workbook, Into Action: The Art Of Swapping Character Defects For Character Assets, I include a grand list of 276 Character Defects & Their Opposite Character Assets.

As a side-note, I don’t really think that there are that many character defects floating around the the planet, let alone in the rooms, that list also includes some different terms that one might use for a single defect. Moving on…

For those who prefer to lay out their own character defects list, I have included on this page a list of the more common character defects. This list includes 77 character defects and their opposite character assets. You can also download the list in PDF to print out for your step work FOR FREE!

I personally find it easier to look for a character asset that I think I already possess or would like to have and then look at the opposite character defect. For that reason, this list will have the character asset(s) in the first column (in alphabetic order) and then the opposite character defects in the second.

Accepting Condemning, Critical, Judgmental (critical of others), Projecting
Adequate Inadequate
Agreeable, Unruffled, Easy-going, Good-humored, Laid-back Complainer, Argumentative, Hypersensitive, Irritable, Obsessive (reckless and compulsive), Perverse (deliberately unreasonable), Quarrelsome
Approachable, Sociable Avoidant
Assertive Aggressive, Passive, Submissive, Timid
Attentive Neglectful
Calm Angry, Anxious, Fidgety (unable to sit or keep still), Ill-tempered, Rageful, Short-tempered, Uptight, Violent
Careful Reckless
Caring Careless, Indifferent, Uncaring (lacking consideration)
Cheerful Grumpy (bad-tempered or irritable), Miserable (unhappy), Morose, Sullen
Civilized, Well-mannered Target people to take things out on
Compassionate Uncompassionate (cruel disregard for others)
Connected, involved Detached
Consistent, Even-keeled Contradictory, Erratic – unpredictable, unstable, unreliable), Inconsistent
Constructive Destructive
Decisive Hesitant (unable to make a decision), Indecisive, Wishy-washy
Dependable, Reliable Flighty, Forgetful, Undependable, Unreliable
Disciplined Undisciplined
Economical, Thrifty Extravagant (lack restraint in spending), Wasteful
Empowering Enabling
Enthusiastic Apathetic, Jaded (bored or lacking enthusiasm)
Fair Unfair, Unjust
Faithful Cheat, Unfaithful
Fearless, confident, courageous, brave Afraid, Apprehensive, Cowardice/cowardly, Defensive, Fearful, Jealous (envious or resentful), Paranoid (obsessively anxious), Shy
Flexible Head-strong, Stubborn
Forgiving, Merciful Resentful (bitter and indignation), Revengeful, Spiteful, Unforgiving (not ceasing anger and resentment), Vengeful (seeking revenge), Vindictive (desire for revenge)
Friendly Aloof (not friendly or forthcoming), Belligerent, Cold, Jerk (being contemptibly foolish), Unfriendly
Generous Avarice, Greedy (wanting more), Miserly, Petty –trivial, Stingy, Uncharitable –unkind, unsympathetic
Genuine, Sincere Hypocritical, In-authentic, Insincere (expressing fake feelings), Unctuous (excessively flattering)
Grateful Ungrateful
Helpful Unsupportive
Honest Deceitful (purposefully misleading), Devious (underhanded tactics), Dishonest, Lying, evasive, dishonest, Manipulative, Secretive (keeps things from others), Sneaky (going behind one’s back), Vague
Humane Sadistic – enjoy causing pain
Humble Arrogant (inflated sense of self), Boastful, Braggart, Know it all, Prideful, Self-importance, Self-righteous, Snob, Vain
Impartial Favoritism, playing favorites
Independent, Self-sufficient Codependent, Dependent
Jealous Bitter, Covetous, Envious, Resentful
Kind Asshole or Bitch, Callous, Cruel (inflicting suffering on others), Ill-disposed, Malicious (intending to harm others), Mean (unkind, spiteful), Unkind (inconsiderate and harsh), Venomous (full of malice or spite)
Loyal Disloyal (changing allegiances), Cheat, Fickle (change loyalty fast and often), Treacherous (betrayal & deception)
Mature Immature
Moderate Excessive, Fanatical, Glutton, Indulgent
Modest Conceited (excessively proud of self), Dramatic, Egotistical (thinking only of oneself), Exaggerating, Grandiose, Immodest, Pretentious
Moral, Principled Immoral, Unprincipled (lack moral principles), Unscrupulous, Venal (susceptible to bribery)
Obedient, well behaved Disobedient, Rebellious
Opened Closed, Secretive (keeps things from others), Withdrawn
Open-minded Closed-minded, Hidebound (unwilling to change), Narrow-minded, Opinionated, Skeptical
Optimistic, Positive Cynical, Hopeless, Pessimistic (expecting the worst), Negative
Organized Disorganized
Patient Impatient – quickly irritated
Pleasant Antagonistic, Bitter, Hostile, Obnoxious, Unpleasant
Polite Coarse –Gross, Impolite, Insolent, Rude, Terse (abrupt and sparing in words), Vulgar
Productive, Industrious, Diligent Indolent, Lackadaisical, Lack of follow-through, Lazy (unwilling to work), Shiftless
Profound Shallow (value superficial things), Superficial
Punctual Tardy –regularly late for things
Real, Natural Fake, Dramatic, Masked
Realistic Fantasizing, Unrealistic
Reasoning Rationalizing – attempting to justify
Respectful Contemptuous, Controlling, Disrespectful (disregarding one’s wishes for right treatment), Sarcastic
Responsible Irresponsible, Self-excusing (excuses)
Restrained, close-mouthed Gossiping
Robust Brittle (hard but easily breakable), Weak (lacking resolution or strength)
Secure Insecure
Self-accepting Self-condemning, Self-loathing
Self-confidence Self-defeating
Self-constructive Self-destructive
Self-Controlled, Restrained Compulsive, Impulsive, Lustful, Promiscuous, Rebellious, Self-indulgent
Selfless Self-seeking
Sensible Ridiculous – derision or mockery
Sensitive Insensitive
Tactful Crude, Tactless (no sensitivity to others)
Tasteful Garish (unattractively showy), Repugnant (extremely distasteful), Vulgar
Thoughtful, Considerate Inconsiderate, Selfish (lacks consideration), Self-absorbed, Self-centered, Thoughtless (lacking consideration)
Tolerant Discrimination, Intolerant, Prejudiced
Trusting Distrustful, Suspicious
Trustworthy Untrustworthy
Truthful Lying, Dishonest, Evasive, Vague
Unobtrusive Busybody, Meddler

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The information found on our site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers. If you have a health issue, including addiction, it is recommended you contact a qualified healthcare provider.

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